Do you work in one of the divisions of the суперчистота company? Are you sure that the work could have been done much more efficiently and profitably if the foreman of your unit used a slightly different work policy? Are you confident that you are being harassed by other employees or your unit foreman? Let us know in this forum! We will try to do our best to solve the problems in your department as soon as possible, as well as improve its functioning and profitability for all of us!
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Kommunikation zwischen Mitarbeitern
Damit die Reinigungsdienste von superuborka einwandfrei sind, die Kunden zufrieden bleiben und immer mehr Geld geben, müssen wir alle Fehler, die bei der Arbeit gemacht wurden, und die Methoden zu ihrer Beseitigung sorgfältig aufeinander abstimmen!
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